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Pirate Chain Wallet for Desktop

Fastest syncing, most private, ARRR wallet. Shielded + Onion routed. Self-custody. Secure and fully anonymous community wallet.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Pirate Chain utilizes zkSNARKs technology which means every transaction has an anonymity set guarantee that equals the total size of the network and grows over time. This contrasts with other privacy technology like Monero which has an anonymity set of 16, which declines over time. In addition, the wallet connection utilizes the Tor network. This combination ensures the greatest privacy.

Yes. Fast and reliable syncing is performed which ensures the best user experience.

Metadata analysis can reduce privacy even when utilizing shielded trasnactions. For example, at a minimum, it is possible for a node to know at what time and block a particular IP address transacted. The Tor network will hide your real IP address, so this cannot be traced back to your identity.

No because the Pirate Chain network does not support non-shielded transactions. Making privacy mandatory is why privacy is guaranteed.

Yes, only you have access to the privacy keys. No third-party has access and you are free to import or export to and from another wallet.